Adelaide Desalination Plant and Kauwi Interpretive Centre - GHD Design

Adelaide Desalination Plant
Port Stanvac, SA

The Kauwi Interpretive Centre provides a new, climate-independent source of drinking water and offers a memorable experience for visitors, with key messages around the importance of desalination, quality water supplies, sustainability and indigenous heritage.

GHD Design worked closely with SA Water and the AdelaideAqua D&C consortium group (Abigroup, McConnell Dowell, Built Environs, Acciona Agua) to produce a spectacular, yet sensitive built form set in the rolling coastal landscape south of Adelaide.

The visitors’ journey through the building as interpretive displays culminate in magnificent views across the coast and the nearby Desalination Plant. The Kaurna Heritage Board was a key collaborator, their input informing the development of the Centre and the adjacent Bush Tukka Garden and Boardwalk. The contribution of ideas to these educational spaces showcase the Aboriginal cultural connection to country and the ongoing links to water and sustainability.

Port Stanvac
South Australia
Civic, Community and Justice